In English

Nationella Rådet för Palliativ Vård  – The Swedish Council for Palliative Care

The Swedish Council for Palliative Care is an umbrella organisation set up to enhance and support the development of palliative care in Sweden. The council, created in 2004, consists of 11 national professional palliative care groups and networks (including palliative physicians, nurses, nurse aids, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians and spiritual counsellors etc) and defines palliative care according to the WHO definition.

The Council works with identifying neglected areas of palliative care in Sweden as well as initiating and suggesting improvements. It is actively involved in the creating and updating of the national directory for specialist palliative care units.

The Council bi-annually arranges the National conference for palliative care in co-operation with a national centre of palliative excellence. The Council publishes the multi-professional journal “Palliativ Vård” (Palliative Care) with four issues annually.

An additional important task is to act as a referral body for national health authorities concerning palliative care issues as well as to lobby for the equal provision of palliative care for those in need regardless of age, diagnosis, place of living or site of care.

The co-operation with international organisations with similar aims in Europe as well as in the rest of the world is also an important aim for the council. For further information in English please contact